Welcome to GPraise.com


Prayer Request

Send us your prayer requests. Click the link below to send a message to our prayer warriors.

Find a Church

Find the right church family to fit with yours. Click the link below to see a list of local, Central Florida Churches that you can visit, contact, or connect with.

Business Team Members

Listeners can use the BTM directory to locate local Business Team Members serving our community. A Business Team Member is a business that partners with us to continue the ministry of GPraise 106.3 FM. If you are a business that would like to partner with us, click the link below and join the Business Team. BTMs not only help propel this ministry but also gain a network of like-minded consumers, follower and friends. We look forward to partnering with you to impact Central Florida families.

Request GPraise Window Stickers

Click the button below and use our form to request GPraise Window Stickers.